Jung – Lacan Dialogue

Organised by the Jung/Lacan Research Network, hosted by the British Psychotherapy Foundation

Jung – Lacan Dialogues: concept of symptom

Gwion Jones and David Henderson elaborate on the history and development of the concept of symptom in the work of Jung and Lacan.

Jung-Lacan Dialogues 12


GCS – Forum Workshop

Gloucestershire Counselling ServiceGCS FORUM: FULL DAY WORKSHOP

Psychoanalytic perspectives on psychosis.

CFAR – Round table discussion

Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research

Centre for Freudian Analysis & Research: ROUND TABLE

Analysis in a foreign language


WTG – CPD workshop program 2013

Eros and Psyche

Worcester Therapy Group, CPD workshop program 2013:
Exploring the topic of ‘Eros & Psyche in therapy’