Freud Museum – conference paper

Freud MuseumFreud Museum EventsSymposium on Eternal Recurrence and the Unconscious: The question of fate in Psychoanalysis. 

Eternal Recurrence: An obsessional nightmare?

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CP-UK: ‘The Academy for Psychoanalysis’


College of Psychoanalysts UK:

Proposal for regenerating the Academy of Psychoanalysis. 

CP-UK Academy of Psychoanalysis

CP-UK ‘Ethics: Psychoanalytic Responses to Practice’

College of Psychoanalysts UK:

What have I done?

Some reflections on UKCP ethics draft proposal

CP-UK online publications

Psychosis Therapy Project / Freud Museum: CONFERENCE

Psychosis Therapy ProjectPsychosis Therapy Project (in collaboration with Freud Museum):

Psychosis and Psychoanalysis: History – Politics – Theory – Technique

Clinical Roundtable: Technique

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CFAR – Round table discussion

Centre for Freudian Analysis and ResearchCentre for Freudian Analysis & Research: ROUND TABLE

Guilt in the Neuroses

CFAR – Public Seminars

Centre for Freudian Analysis and ResearchShort Course: The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: Repetition

CFAR – Public Seminars

Centre for Freudian Analysis and ResearchCentre for Freudian Analysis & Research: PUBLIC SEMINARS

Obsessional Neurosis

Worcester Family Mediation Practice – Conference

logo-twflp-trans2Worcester Family Mediation Practice: CONFERENCE

Exploring the impact of individual trauma on the psychic life of the family



GCS – Forum Workshop

Gloucestershire Counselling ServiceGCS FORUM: FULL DAY WORKSHOP

Psychoanalytic perspectives on psychosis.

CFAR – Round table discussion

Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research

Centre for Freudian Analysis & Research: ROUND TABLE

Analysis in a foreign language