Jung – Lacan Dialogue

Organised by the Jung/Lacan Research Network, hosted by the British Psychotherapy Foundation

Jung – Lacan Dialogues: the unconscious

Gwion Jones and David Henderson elaborate on the history and development of the concept of the unconscious in the work of Jung and Lacan.

Jung-Lacan Dialogues 11


STPN – Day Workshop

Severn and Thames Psychotherapy Network

Organised by The Severn and Thames Psychotherapy Network

An experiential introduction to the functioning of Balint Groups: Exploring the process


CFAR – Short Course on handling of dreams

Centre for Freudian Analysis and ResearchShort course: The handling of dreams in psychoanalysis 

3. Dream-work: Temporality in dreams and its function in the direction of the treatment

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Freud Museum – conference paper

Freud MuseumFreud Museum EventsSymposium on Eternal Recurrence and the Unconscious: The question of fate in Psychoanalysis. 

Eternal Recurrence: An obsessional nightmare?

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